Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations Committee (GRC) lobbies at the local, state, and federal level for funding and programming to support Pennsylvania’s students.   Additionally, PACAC, through the GRC, closely monitors proposed and current education legislation as it pertains to college access and affordability.  Acting as the voice for students who have none, GRC speaks on behalf of students across the Commonwealth to ensure equal access to post-secondary options and success.  They mirror this activity at the federal level to ensure our students are included in the national education agenda.  Advocacy efforts include the PACAC Advocacy Days, the Advocacy Leadership Program (ALP) which engages membership around secondary and postsecondary issues, and how to conduct a legislative visit. The ALP culminates in a legislative visit at the local, state, or federal level. PACAC GRC also advocates with other affiliates at an Advocacy in DC in April.

The Government Relations Committee also partners with other state organizations in shaping our legislative issues and agenda:  PSCA, PASFAA, College Board, ACT, PA Trio Programs, and more.  The Committee strongly encourages members of PACAC and allies of student access and equality to become self-advocates by obtaining information about their rights and responsibilities and by contacting their legislators through letters, phone calls, and emails.

Members of the GRC conduct committee business through a series of teleconferences and electronic communication, in addition to meeting in person during the PACAC Annual Conference and other similar large-scale events. Membership only requires those interested to be willing to learn new things and be motivated to advocate on behalf of the students of Pennsylvania.

If you support higher education access and equality, speak out!


Chairperson: Lucia Garabo, Susquehanna University
Contact:  [email protected]